Letter from the President - Summer 2024
Letter from the President - Summer 2024

Central Minnesota will be celebrating Manufacturing Week September 30-October 5, 2024.
CMMA realized early on that there was an urgent need to help dispel incorrect perceptions of our industry and change the view from “dark, dirty, dangerous” to “clean, safe, and rich with technology and opportunity.” We needed a way to open doors, create engagement, and improve future workforce prospects so we started the Tour of Manufacturing. This annual event has gained traction, achieved measurable success, and is now a statewide initiative.
We have created events with manufacturers, schools, and communities by exhibiting and marketing the opportunities in the high-tech world of modern manufacturing. Our goals for Manufacturing Week are to educate potential employees about careers in manufacturing, tour local manufacturing facilities, assist manufacturers, and increase the value of CMMA.
We are again providing a virtual magazine highlighting in-person, virtual, and private tours. This magazine is shared with local schools and communities to encourage parents, students, teachers, nonprofits, and job seekers to understand the career pathways available to them in manufacturing. Please help to make Manufacturing Week a success by participating, promoting, and partnering with us to elevate our industry!
Mark your calendar now for our annual CMMA Summer Social on August 21 at Bad Habit Brewing Company in St. Joeseph. I look forward to these events as we gather to enjoy one another’s company, connect, and create new synergy that helps to fuel our unity and progress. Register today.
Our next membership meeting topic will be a Legislative Panel on September 26 followed by a tour of DeZURIK. Register early!
Remember that your toolbox is loaded with workforce development tools. Our K12Navigator is a great way to connect manufacturers, students, teachers, parents, and influencers. We have grant funds available to help students and schools with STEM activities, programs, projects, and events - it’s as simple as an online form! There are also funds available through our workforce development partners that include on-the-job training resources for new hires, incumbent worker training, and pipeline development grants.
CMMA wishes our former MMA Executive Director Rachel Lolmasteymaugh our best as she moves on to her next position. We look forward to new leadership and support from our partners who help to foster the creation, growth, and success of industry associations throughout the Midwest.
I thank you for your continued support and investment in our group. I also thank our volunteers. Simply put, without each of you, we would not exist. We are strong, effective and we are making recognized, measurable and positive impact for manufacturers, communities, citizens, and economies.
As we say on our website, “Today, growth and innovation can rarely be maximized by one company, one service organization or even one industry going it alone.”
I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the best that this summer season brings.
Working hard to make you proud!
Les Engel,
CMMA President