Board of Directors CMMA
CMMA is governed by a 15-member board; these volunteers are elected from the membership to serve staggered two-year terms.
Les Engel
President Engel Metallurgical, Ltd.Les was a Founding Member of CMMA, having served as President of the Board since 2008. He also serves on the Workforce Committee. Les is the Presi...
Lance Louis
Vice President Louis Industries Inc. - CMMALance was elected to the CMMA Board in 2015. He serves as the Board Vice President, and serves on the Programs Committee. Lance is the President/...
Tim Zipoy
Secretary Central Minnesota Jobs & Training Services, Inc.Tim was a Founding Member of CMMA, having served on the Board since 2008. He serves as Chair of the Workforce Committee. Tim is a Workforce Deve...
Steve Leen
Treasurer Creative PlanningSteve was elected to the CMMA board in 2012, and serves on both the Programs and Golf Committees. Steve is a proactive CPA with over 17 years of e...
Lance Barthel
Director Batteries Plus BulbsLance was elected to the CMMA Board in 2018. He serves on the Programs Committee. Lance is the Commercial Sales Manager at Batteries Plus Bulbs l...
Doug Cook
Director Headwaters Strategic Succession Consulting, LLCDoug joined the CMMA board in 2024. He is a Senior Value Advisor at Headwaters Strategic Succession Consulting in St. Cloud.
Kevin Enerson
Director ROCORI SchoolKevin is the Superintendent of ROCORI Public Schools in Cold Spring, MN. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Master of Sc...
Joseph Gossard
Director GeringhoffJoe joined the CMMA board in 2025. He is the Director of Manufacturing at Geringhoff in St. Cloud. Geringhoff has been manufacturing the industry's...
Jason Iverson
Director Falcon National BankJason was elected to the CMMA Board in 2013. He serves on both the Workforce and Golf Committees. Jason is the VP and CRO at Falcon National Bank l...
Dean Kiffmeyer
Director Central McGowanDean has served on the the CMMA board in 2017. Since 2020, Dean has served a dual role as an MMA board member.
Della Ludwig
Director Minnesota DEED - CMMADella Ludwig is a Workforce Strategy Consultant with MN’s Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for the 13-county region of cent...
Dan Ortloff
Director Falls Fabricating LLCDan joined the CMMA board in 2025. He is the President and co-owner of Falls Fabricating, LLC in Little Falls and brings a valuable perspective to ...
Randy Pelletier
Director Pellco Machine, Inc.Randy was elected to the CMMA Board in 2011. He serves as chair of the Government Affairs Committee. Randy is the Owner of Pellco Machine, Inc. l...
Jared Powell
Director Quanex Custom ComponentsJared was elected to the CMMA Board in 2013. He serves on both the Workforce and Golf Committees. Jared is the Production Coordinator at Woodcraft...
Mark Stafford
Director ColdspringMark joined the CMMA Board of Directors in 2023. He is the Vice President of Administrative Services at Coldspring.
Luke Vossen
Director CWMF CorporationLuke joined the CMMA board in 2025. He is the Director of Operations at CWMF in Waite Park. Luke is a native of Cold Spring, MN, and earned his BS ...
Lynda Bailey
Executive Director Central Minnesota Manufacturers AssociationLynda became the Executive Director in September, 2024. She joins us following her tenure as Executive Director of the Riverside Medical Clinic Cha...