CMMA and Otter Tail County launch expanded K12 Navigator
CMMA and Otter Tail County launch expanded K12 Navigator

November 3, 2022 – St. Cloud MN — Central Minnesota Manufacturers Association (CMMA) and Otter Tail County are pleased to announce the launch of an expanded online tool to connect schools and employers for youth workforce development. The K12 Navigator is an online directory that allows employers of all industries and sizes to engage with schools and students interested in exploring careers within career fields that they offer. The tool will also allow schools and students to connect with employers that are excited to build the future workforce and offer activities for students to do work-based learning.
The expansion of the K12 Navigator includes the addition of all industry types and the ability to search based on the Minnesota Department of Education’s (MDE) career wheel. Several school districts in the CMMA area, as well as Otter Tail County, use the MDE career wheel for student career interest assessments. With the expansion of the K12 Navigator, students and teachers will now be able to take career exploration a step further and connect the student with a business that offers careers in their field of interest.
Otter Tail County was awarded a Youth Skills Training Grant from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry to fund the expansion project and further the County’s Youth Workforce Navigation Program.
CMMA is a manufacturing trade association that serves manufacturing, distribution and supplier, professional service, and K-12 education members in the St. Cloud region. “The K12Navigator was a sleeping project for many years,” said Les Engel, CMMA President. “We started to work on it the first time in 2009 but hit some snags. We finally got it funded and off the ground in 2020. We started the K12Navigator with only manufacturers, but it was only natural that the next step was to expand it to include all industries. We are happy to partner with Otter Tail County and get this valuable tool in the hands of more educators, students, and parents.”
Otter Tail County is partnering with Amy Johnson of Cardinal Consulting Solutions to be the Program Manager of the Youth Workforce Navigation Program. Johnson said, “The Youth Workforce Navigation Program will build the future workforce of Otter Tail County and bridge relationships between schools and businesses. We needed a technology tool to create sustainability for this program and were impressed with the simplicity and functionality that makes the K12 Navigator such a powerful tool. We also knew the CMMA spirit of collaboration would make them the ideal partner.” More information about the Youth Workforce Navigation Program can be shared by contacting Amy Johnson at
CMMA and Otter Tail County encourage employers of all sizes and industries to register their company on the K12 Navigator tool to engage the future workforce. To register, go to